Friday, September 01, 2006

how i lost weight

Weight Loss Help > Slim Fast Diet

The Slim Fast Diet
The Slim Fast Plan Diet is a plan for weight management that incorporates meal and snack replacements with regular food and snacks to provide structure and help improve your chances of success.
The Plan is comprised of 3 components: a) Slim Fast meal and snack replacements, these provide the nutrients that your body needs, with a controlled amount of calories, with no need to count points, calories, or portion size; b) Sensible, healthy meal(s) and snacks of regular foods emphasizing lean protein as well as fruits and vegetables; c) Daily activity of 30 to 60 minutes. Clinical studies indicate that the combination of these 3 components provide the foundation for a healthy lifestyle, and the plan has been proven to help people lose weight and keep it off.
More Slim Fast Diet
Slim Fast Diet - Official Slim Fast Diet web site

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weight loss help : slim fast diet


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